Author: Davide Mancini

SD1simpledrum user’s manual is on!

We just uploaded the user’s manual of this small and powerful module on his page!

Now you will be even more interested in it!!!!

A quick reminder of what the module can do:

  • 6 channels of drums with multiple sounds each
  • internal mixing and reverb
  • accent input with variable amount per channel
  • advanced mode with CV control over instrument scan, reverb send, unmanize function
  • advanced synth mode with scale quantizer

Go right here:

soundmachines at SUPERBOOTH16 !!!!

Come join us at one of the craziest the most important event of the 2016 for the synth and modular world!

We are preparing something that you won’t forget for this spring! Be prepared and pay us a visit in Berlin!!!!! We will present our entire lineup and more!!!!!

Superbooth, from March 31st to April 2nd at the Funkhaus in Berlin.

A brand new soundmachines website!!!

Dear customers and supporters, we are proud to present you our brand new website!

Clarity, community contents and a great shop experience were the drivers in changing the skin of our first point of contact with you.

We decided to host two important functions directly on our site: a forum for the owners of our modules and synthesizers and, dedicated to the NS1nanosynth, a place where we will publish all the company and community sourced patches, sketches, and DIY experimenter’s kit circuits!

New, improved webshop engine

Responsive design

Official soundmachines product’s forums

Tutorials page

NS1nanosynth patch library

NS1nanosynth experimenter’s kit manual and circuits!!!!!

New products previews! UF1microfx and SD1simpledrum !!!

New SILTA eurorack power adapter, developed in collaboration with FrapTools!

…last but not least, free shipment on orders greater than 299€ !


The website is young so we there could be some teething problems! Please help us to iron those out!

Peace and Noise.

BI1brainterface in action!

Dr. Richard Boulanger, one of the most important personalities in the electronic music experimentation realm and Professor at the Berklee College of Music, illustrates how he uses our BI1brainterface to compose soundscapes that reflects our inner sentiments and mental processes.

His words reflects with perfection the vision of soundmachines in inventing and manufacturing its instruments:

For me, music is a medium through which the inner spiritual essence of all things is revealed and shared. Compositionally, I am interested in extending the voice of the traditional performer through technological means to produce a music which connects with the past, lives in the present and speaks to the future. Educationally, I am interested in helping students see technology as the most powerful instrument for the exploration, discovery, and realization of their essential musical nature – their inner voice.

MusikMesse2015 soundmachines coverage

Hi to everyone!

We are really happy to link here all the current press, blog and videos about our presence at the MusikMesse!!! interview, with a complete check of our product’s line!


and video:

For the german speaking, an article on


Tuesday Night Machines interview !


And CreateDigitalMusic hyperlapse!! (check us out at 1:04!)

Last but not least an interesting interview to the eurorack focused webzine    HERE


MusikMesse 2015: an insider report

Now that we have some spare time (?!?) we just want to put down some thoughts, pictures and impressions from the MM2015 in Frankfurt…

This was our first participation in one of the two big worldwide trade fairs that shows the present and the future of musical instruments… As many other expositor, we really got zero time to wander around and so, apart from the huge Schneider’s booth (You Like Synths?) , I really don’t have a clue where acoustic pianos, oboes or tubas are going in the near future…. 🙂

First of all a shout out to Andreas and the guys at Schneider’s that made this possible! I don’t really think there could be another way of gathering 30/40 modular manufacturers in the same spot, inside the same european fair! Other than that the support was flawless, from tons of screwdrivers to pints of (not always harmless) beverages. Caffeine and Absynth were the norm…

Herr Schneider building the booth!

Normal traffic


I described the mega-booth as a “sound and noise breathing monster”, pulsating with leds, lasers, miles of patch cables and a continuous flow of curious poeple or just plain nerds like us in search of the ultimate ‘hands on’ experience with those fascinating instruments that are getting more and more interest!

We met some old friends and a lot of new people! I personally had the pleasure to chat with the most part of the modular manufacturer designers and all of them have this particular light in the eyes, it’s called Passion, or Love, I reckon. As a pretty young brand, soundmachines is already well-known in the modular market and we are getting more and more recognised for our innovative take on modules!

This year the Musik Messe has been a blast for the modular scene… Small and (very) big manufacturers joined the bandwagon and unveiled lots and lots of modules! The biggest news probably came from Roland that not only presented its eurorack-compatible range of digital AIRA branded cv-able effects but also a line of system100 inspired full analog modules manufactured by Malekko nonetheless!! I had the pleasure to talk about this with Joshua and the details of the very secretive process were very interesting and entertaining!

This is also a recognition of the ’boutique’ builders from the big guys… and it’s not something that everyone expected!  You can see here a picture of the AIRA modular stuff with our BI1brainterface as a sparring partner in the Roland/Aira booth!!!!!!!!!!

pic of aira and brainterface

Soundmachines had a very interesting setup that captured the attention of everyone! we decided to show the potential of our new cases (the FMJ3) by using a multiple VESA mount so the cases were actually floating above the table surface and could be moved around easily and showed to the people. Many considered this a great change of ergonomics for the performing musician, normally hunched on a table full of gear!

We presented a couple of prototypes that made the press rounds quickly! The first is an heartrate to clock/cv interface. Called the HB1heartbeat, using a standard POLAR chest strap we detect the heart rate of the person wearing it and generate a GATE/CLOCK signal with the BPM of his/her heart! The module is currently under final development and we expect to start selling it in the summer!

The second one, the BA1breathalyzer, born as a joke more than a real product, got so much attention that will gain the market soon! We are developing a Breathalyzer to CV interface for eurorack!!  I would like to elaborate a little on this. The quantity of people blown (pun intended) away by the sheer absurdity and fun-factor of the BA1 was impressive and we basically tested-out all of our colleagues in the modular scene. I obviously won’t publicize the result as there could be shame involved! :)))))

And now a miscellanea of pictures, including a lot of selfies with the other manufacturers!   Enjoy the ride!

Mr.Jordan Rudess testing the BI1brainterface. Us with Fraptools cases, also from Italy!

Building the booth, and caffeine., Verbos, WMD, Herr Schneider, The Harvestman !

Herr Doepfer, Macbeth, Malekko, MakeNoise !

XAOC devices, Jagermeister FTW!!!! Herr Schneider working for us 🙂

See you next year!